
Caprine 2.60.3 Facebook messenger client for Windows

User Interface Screenshots

Caprine Abstract:

Caprine is a third-party Facebook Messenger app developed by Sindre Sorhus and it is not affiliated officially with Facebook. It is a free and open source Facebook chat application.

Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:

Manage the conversations with friends better and create groups on Facebook with users that share the same interest - Screenshot of Caprine
Manage the conversations with friends better and create groups on Facebook with users that share the same interest.
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Ensures instant access to all your friends and contacts - Screenshot of Caprine
Ensures instant access to all your friends and contacts.
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Enjoy the same chat functionality as in the browser - Screenshot of Caprine
Enjoy the same chat functionality as in the browser.
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A great tool for users who regularly chat on Facebook - Screenshot of Caprine
A great tool for users who regularly chat on Facebook.
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Unofficial messaging app - Screenshot of Caprine
Unofficial messaging app.
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